
Thursday, 7 October 2010

Fat and thin

Although essentially compatible and harmonious there are many things that Mr MudMeddling and I just don't agree on.

Ben and Jerry's for example - he likes Phish Food, blergh, I like Cookie Dough. 

Unpainted santas - fat and thin

He likes action films, whereas I prefer a soppy chick flick.

Unpainted santas - fat and thin

He likes marmite sandwiches, I mean honestly!  I like lemoncurd :)

Unpainted santas - fat and thin

But one major disagreement we have is about clay Santas.  Mr M says they have to be fat, he is unbudgable on the subject.  I on the other hand prefer a thin santa.

Unpainted santas - fat and thin

So now whenever I sculpt a fat santa I somehow find myself also making a thin one to counteract it.  So at least everyone is happy :)


  1. I have to admit I side with Mr M I love your short fat Santa.

  2. The fat Santa is soooo cute. I love it. xx

  3. I like both Santas ;oD
    ...and fish food....mmmmmmmm


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